Dwarf Hamster – All You Need To Know About Them

Are you curious to know about this cute little creature called dwarf hamster? You are on the right page because on this article you will learn everything about dwarf hamster and what do they need to live healthy and happy life.

Dwarf Hamster

Dwarf hamsters are small mammals in the subfamily Cricetinae. They have become popular as pets, and this has led to some dwarf hamsters being taken from the wild or bred in large numbers for the pet trade. Because of the latter, many colour morphs were selectively bred, which can cause health problems in some lines.

A short-tailed dwarf hamster is a dwarf hamster that has a naturally short tail, or that has had its tail docked. Most dwarf hamsters have tails as big as their bodies, but some dwarf breeds such as Campbell’s Dwarf Hamster and Djungarian Dwarf Hamster have naturally shorter tails and sometimes no tails at all because of a genetic mutation.

Furthermore, dwarf hamsters’ digestive systems work much slower than that of larger animals such as humans, and this means that dwarf hamsters should eat less but may still eat the same amount or more because they are not getting enough nutrients.

Dwarf hamsters have become popular as pets. This has led to some dwarf hamsters being taken from the wild or bred in large numbers for the pet trade. Because of the latter, many colour morphs were selectively bred, which can cause health problems in some lines.

Size of Dwarf Hamster

Dwarf hamsters range in size from about 2 cm (0.79 in) to 6 to 7 cm (2.4 to 2.8 in), depending on the species of dwarf hamster and whether females or males are being compared. The Syrian hamster, also known as the golden dwarf hamster or simply Syrian, is the largest and can grow up to 7.5 cm (3 in) and sometimes over 10 cm (4 in). The dwarf hamsters from Russia and Mongolia tend to be larger than those found in western Europe.

Behavior of dwarf hamster

Dwarf hamsters are nocturnal, being more active at night. During the day, they take refuge inside their nest where they can safely sleep and store food that they have gathered, such as nuts, seeds, and grains. Favourite foods include cabbage, cucumber, and winter root vegetables.

Dwarf hamsters mark their territory with special scent glands on their hips (the exact placement of these scent glands differs between species). Their urine tends to contain more of their unique scent gland secretion than that of the Syrian hamster.

Behavior of dwarf hamster
Behavior of dwarf hamster

Dwarf Hamsters in Captivity

The dwarf hamster is typically nocturnal, active during the night rather than the day. During the day, it will remain inside its nest to avoid being seen by predators or intruders. This means dwarf hamsters are not typically active when humans are, and can make it more difficult to see them. Dwarf hamsters will not typically come out during the day unless they feel the area is safe or they sense food nearby. Dwarf hamsters in captivity can be taught to recognize their owners and respond accordingly, for example by getting excited and running around when they see their owner with a bag of treats.

Dwarf Hamster as Pets

Dwarf hamsters are common as pets because they are docile and easy to handle, and can adapt well to living in a cage. Individuals which have been handled from a young age often become pretty tame and responsive. They typically require more attention than similarly sized rodents, but dwarf hamsters are among the most inexpensive to keep.

Dwarf Hamster Morphs

Dwarf hamsters can be “albino,” “white-faced” (also known as “combination dwarf”), white-bellied, golden, Panda, cream, tailless, black-eyed white, heather, and Panda.

Dwarf Hamsters in the Wild

The dwarf hamster has been shown to be able to survive in a wide variety of climates. They are native to arid regions extending from southern Russia, Ukraine, and Eastern Europe through parts of Central Asia. These include semi-desert areas where they live in burrows dug into the sides of dunes.

The lifespan of Dwarf Hamster

Dwarf hamsters have a lifespan of about two to three years in the wild and around 1-2 years in captivity.

Food and Water of Dwarf Hamster

Dwarf hamsters typically eat their own droppings to acquire nutrients produced by bacteria in their intestines. This process is known as coprophagy which allows them to extract all the necessary water from their food before it is eliminated, allowing dwarf hamsters to survive without free-standing water.

Though dwarf hamsters are crepuscular, they will adjust their sleeping schedule to their owners’ schedule.

Temperature and Nature of Dwarf Hamster

Dwarf hamsters are tolerant of a wide range of temperatures and can live in conditions ranging from 10 – 26 °C (50 – 80 °F). They do not hibernate but may become less active when the temperature drops below 10 °C (50 °F).

Environmental Needs of Dwarf Hamster

Dwarf hamsters should be kept in a dwarf hamster cage. These are typically plastic cages, though dwarf hamsters are small enough to live comfortably in aquariums. A dwarf hamster wheel is also essential for exercise.

Litter and Litter Box for Dwarf Hamster

Dwarf hamsters can be litter trained and will use a corner of their cage to deposit their droppings. They are typically kept on bedding made of paper or wood shavings, but dwarf hamsters will also use cloth for nesting.

Dwarf Hamsters and Dwarf Hamster Cages

Dwarf hamsters can be kept in dwarf hamster cages, though they may require more room to roam. Dwarf hamsters must get exercise for their aerobic health, or else they may become obese and develop related diseases such as diabetes. Although dwarf hamsters are solitary animals that live underground in the wild, dwarf hamsters typically live together peacefully. Hamsters that are raised together will often live together, but dwarf hamsters should never be housed with adult Russian dwarf hamsters as they may eat their more diminutive companions.

Dwarf Hamsters and Dwarf Hamster Cages
Dwarf Hamsters and Dwarf Hamster Cages

Fighting and Aggression of Dwarf Hamster

Dwarf hamsters fight with each other from time to time. It is usually when a dwarf hamster is exposed to new dwarf hamsters all at once, especially if the dwarf hamsters are from different litters or not raised together. Dwarf hamsters that do not get along will typically stop breeding and may fight to the death.

Health Problems of Dwarf Hamster

Dwarf hamsters are prone to dwarf hamster cancer. Other dwarf hamster health problems that can affect dwarf hamsters include bacterial, viral, fungal, and respiratory infections.

Taming of Dwarf Hamster

It is important not to disturb dwarf hamster nests when they have young. Otherwise, the mother may abandon them. Dwarf hamsters can also be trained to come to their owner’s hand and can learn a few simple tricks, such as walking along a human arm. However, dwarf hamsters are typically very skittish, so it is important not to handle dwarf hamsters or dwarf hamster cages too often.

Related Questions

Can Dwarf Hamster Eat Strawberries?

Dwarf hamsters can eat strawberries, but they should be given sparingly as they are high in sugar. Dwarf hamsters have a sensitive digestive tract, so some dwarf hamster experts recommend removing the caps from strawberries before feeding them to dwarf hamsters.

How Much Does A Dwarf Hamster Weigh?

Adult dwarf hamsters will typically weigh 60-100 grams.

How Long Do Dwarf Hamsters Live?

Dwarf hamsters in the wild typically live 2 years, but dwarf hamsters in captivity can live around 1 to 2 years.

When Do Dwarf Hamster Start To Breed?

Dwarf hamsters in the wild will typically breed in spring and

How dwarf hamsters found home?

They like to make nests out of piles of dry grass or leaves.

Who dwarf Hamsters are related to?

Dwarf hamsters are not closely related to any other hamster sub-species, though they can interbreed with Campbell’s dwarf hamsters and Winter White dwarf hamsters.

How do dwarf Hamsters breed?

Female dwarf hamsters usually have a gestation period of between 18 and 23 days and give birth to between 1 and 11 young on average (the largest recorded number of dwarf hamster pups in one litter is 20).

Dwarf Hamsters and the law?

It is illegal to own a dwarf hamster in New Zealand without a license.

How do dwarf Hamsters move?

Dwarf hamsters are well known for their ability to escape from almost any dwarf hamster cage. This is because dwarf hamsters have pouches on either side of their bodies which they can wedge themselves into, allowing them to slip through holes or narrow gaps.

Conclusion – Dwarf Hamster

In conclusion, dwarf hamsters make great pets, but dwarf hamster care must be taken to ensure dwarf hamsters are healthy and do not escape from dwarf hamster cages. Dwarf hamsters need loving homes and should not be bought impulsively or because they are seen as cute or cuddly.

I hope this article is helpful to you. Please share it with your friends and families. Thanks for reading.

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