Why Do Dogs dig on Beds and Couches? See No. 2 Reasons

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Digging is a normal trait for a dog. For many of us pet owners, you would have caught your dog digging in the yard or a hole outside.

This is a common routine for dogs because they consider it a plaything. However, when you have a dog that constantly digs your bed, its own bed, or even your expensive couch, this can become a huge problem.

Why Do Dogs dig on Beds and Couches? This is a popular question among pet owners.

It can be tiring and frustrating if you have to go out and buy new beds and couches every day your dog rips them apart.

So it is better you discover why your dog digs on the couch or bed. This will help you know the preventive measures to apply.

Why Do Dog digs on Bed and Couches

Why Do Dog digs on Bed and Couches
Why Do Dog digs on Bed and Couches

Generally, dogs that dig into furniture is displaying unruly behavior which is not unnatural for a dog. It is normal for your furry friend to dig into your couch or bed because he finds it amazing and fun.

You can also, read the article; Is Lemon Grass Safe For Dogs? to understand this part of questionable doubt.

The problem becomes big when your dog constantly digs and scratches your furniture and how badly they damage it.

A dog digging a little before lying on your soft bed is nothing. But how severely do they damage your bed and couches?

The best option to curb this act is to learn why dog digs at furniture before they lay down. This will help you know the root of the problem and how to deal with it.

Reasons Why Dogs Dig on Beds and Couches

This section of the article explained to the reader the reasons why dogs dig on beds and couches. Study and take these into cognizance.

  1. Natural trait: Dogs naturally dig their chosen sleep spot before finally settling down to sleep. Some dog digs are deeper than others. But 99 percent of dogs will still dig into their sleeping post. If you provide your dog with a bed or if your dog decides to sleep on your bed, there is a high chance that it will dig in the furniture before taking a sleeping posture.
  2. Destructive or Boredom behavior: Most dogs will dig and scratch a little on their sleeping spot before cycling a few times and going to sleep. This may include soft furniture like beds, couches, or sofas. However, some dogs may become naughty and do extreme things such as ripping apart the bed or couch. This is destructive behavior and is mostly found in dogs because of their wild traits in them. Moreover, dogs like to dig into and shred stuffy things. The sight of seeing the light fluffy makeup of the bed is a mentally stimulating sight. Hence, what may have been a little digging on furniture before they lay down may turn extreme when they want to play. This is more likely associated with most bored puppies.
  3. Anxiety and fear: Anxiety and fear are also another reason your dog may likely dig into their beds and couches. Dogs suffering from anxiety and fear display different behavioral patterns which include crying, howling, barking, defecating, barking, and scratching types of furniture. Digging out of anxiety and fear is common among dogs it is known as displaced behaviors in dogs.
  4. Burying bones: Another reason that your dog will dig into the furniture is to bury treats like bones and chew them in their sleeping spot so they can nibble on them later. A dog can also smell the leftover bones that fell under a bed or couch hence; they will dig into the furniture to find it.

Why is my dog digging and scratching everything?

As we have discussed above, your dog may dig in furniture and any sleeping spot as part of its natural instinct. However, it can become a destructive behavior when taken to the extreme. It can also be caused by Anxiety.

If your dog digging is becoming something you are scared of, it may be Canine Compulsive Disorder or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. This disorder involves obsessive chewing, tail chasing, barking, or licking.

If your dog is obsessively scratching itself till blood comes out, then it may be suffering from Canine Compulsive Disorder.

You will need to talk to your veterinarian for quick medical intervention and treatment plans.

However, in case your pet is sick, we advocate you converse with a vet ASAP.

JustAnswer means that you can discuss in real-time with veterinary consultants for a small price.

How to stop your Dog from Digging into your bed and couches

How to stop your Dog from Digging into your bed and couches
How to stop your Dog from Digging into your bed and couches

Now that you have learned some of the reasons your dog may be digging and scratching the furniture, then you should learn how you can stop them from digging the furniture before they lay down.

  • Don’t allow your dogs on the bed or Couch. If it is your bed, then don’t let your dog lay on it without your permission.
  • Use place and crate training to help them stay in their corner of the house even while you are away.
  • Use an Anti Chew Spray on your furniture; you may spray something bitter on your furniture to prevent them from chewing on it.
  • Cover your furniture while you are away from the house.
  • Set up exercise and playtime for your dog.

Why Do Dogs Dig on Bed Sheets?

There are various reasons why dogs will choose to dig in your bedsheets. Some reasons include boredom, natural traits, destructive behavior, etc.

Why do dogs dig on Furniture before they lay down?

This is a common routine for dogs because they consider it a plaything. However, when you have a dog that constantly digs your bed, its own bed, or even your expensive couch, this can become a huge problem.

Which dog breed digs the most?

The Terriers, Terriers are trained to dig. Other breeds of dogs that dig include miniature Schnauzers, Beagles, Siberian Huskies, Dachshunds, Border Collies, etc.

Why Do Dogs dig on Beds and Couches – The Conclusion

You have been able to see some challenging aspects and the steps you need to take as a pet owner. We strongly advised you to take these guidelines into consideration so that your dog can get the best training ever to have rest of mind.

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