Devil Fish Facts – 13 Interesting Facts About Them

Black, blue and red devil fishes are worthless. These species live in an aquarium, and we have lots of interesting facts to learn about them.

They live in secret in Australia. Only a few things are known about them. However, you would recognize it easily by its colorful exterior. The devilfish species are also called Eastern blue devil or Bleeeker’s blue devilfish.

Devil Fish

In other parts of the world, you’ll find the red devil fish. They originated from Nicaragua and among the larger species from the cichlid family. 

We’ve got no choice. We must mention the black devilfish on the top list when talking about mysterious sea creatures available in the world. These creatures prefer residing in warmer waters and are hardly visible to deep-sea dwellers to view on an occasional dive. 

This blog post will look at five interesting facts about the red, blue, and three interesting facts about the black devilfish. 

5 Interesting Facts About The Red Devilfish

The Red Devilfish
The Red Devilfish
  • Colorful 

A common trait among all red devilfish from the San Juan River is coloring. Bright red is the primary color of all species, including adults. 

Well, these devilfish’ fins usually contain some white stripes. And as for their adults, they do have the same white stripes in their underbelly, too — there isn’t anything strange about that. To confirm how these stripes look on them, see the image below:

  • Large in Reality

If you’re looking to rare a red devilfish in an aquarium that you have at home or in your house premises, think about the size because these species can grow big, especially when they become an adult.

Hence, a tank that would contain beyond just 50 gallons is highly recommended to offer a spacious home for your red devilfish to swim flamboyantly. 

  • Aggressive Behavior

Are you among those who are wondering why this species is usually addressed as the red devil? Here is an answer for you: 

This is because the red devilfish has very weird and strong teeth. When I mean weird, the teeth do not joke with anyone — regardless. And it’s backed up jawline, which is even more vital.

Now you know. ? And that’s the reason why they are termed scary creatures. Hence, it’s not advisable to keep them in the same tank with other species of fish.

  • Habitat

The habitat of the red devilfish is another great thing you should be aware of.

Although you’ll find this species in the aquariums majorly, it originated from the U.S., the central part of America, to be precise. Apart from herders, other habitats where the red devilfish are lakes, such as Lake Nicaragua and Lake Managua. 

  • Only Likes Other Cichlids

You and I have agreed that this is an aggressive and mighty type of fish, that one shouldn’t breed together in the same aquarium with other species of fish. That brings about the question, “is it all other species one shouldn’t keep together with a red devilfish?” 

Well, the answer is no. The study has shown that the red devilfish likes and accommodates its same cichlid. However, that is not a reason to jam-pack them in a tiny space, except it’s more than just wide enough. Otherwise, it’ll cause big problems. 

5 Interesting Facts About The Blue Devilfish

  • Eats Crustaceans

Are you aware that Blue Devilfish species eat crustaceans, such as molluscs and crabs, a lot? To mention a few, they like going after little fishes, believing they make them better prey.

  • Lives in Salty Water

Naturally, where you’ll find these blue devilfish are in salty water. Taking the Indo-Pacific Ocean in Australia, for instance, you’ll find many blue devilfish there essentially, because there are always reeds and lagoons present in this type of river. 

  • Small but Deadly

The blue devilfish looks small. However, it is a very deadly animal. So, do not despise how deadly it can be. 

These species are also very aggressive, like the red devilfish. Hence, the same way it isn’t fit to keep red devilfish with other fish species applies here. 

But, if you’re interested in raring it, feel free, take it home, as their aggressive behavior affirms that they are genuinely from the devilfish species. 

  • Color Change

This aspect might want to sound like that of a chameleon, but it isn’t. Well, just to inform you, the blue devilfish also changes color to orange or yellow.

If, however, it sights a predator getting closer, it’ll dive into a hole and even change completely to black color. As soon as the predator passes over to an afar distance, it comes out and returns to its radiant blue color. 

  • Smaller Tank

You may manipulate keeping your blue devilfish in a small tank that can only contain 30 gallons, and that’s fine. You just have to ensure that a particular species is alone in there.

Why? Because as they grow, their aggressiveness gets worse. So, you just want to make sure you’re willing to move them to a bigger tank as soon as they are matured. 

3 Interesting Facts About The Black Devilfish

The Black Devilfish
The Black Devilfish
  • Deep-sea Dwellers

If you live around tropical areas, you can do hit research about this. The black devilfish stays beneath the water, especially warm waters. Where they never bother to come up the sea. They keep dwelling underground in the deep sea. 

  • Habitat

As we all know, the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian types of oceans are all examples of tropical waters stated earlier. Just to inform you that it’s the preferred habitat of the black devilfish species.

  • Appearance

The Black devilfish looks unique from other species. Their appearance is just so attractive and makes you continue starring. It’s different. Once you’ve recognized it by its color non-jelly-like skin, you can easily distinguish it from others, any day, any time.

Related Questions

How long does a devil fish live?

Lifespan. Generally, the average Red Devil Cichlid lifespan is around 10 to 12 years in captivity. Though, there have been reports of some fish living longer with the proper care. Like any other fish, their lifespan is affected by the quality of water they’re in and their overall living conditions. Source

What do devil fish eat?

Devil rays feed on planktonic crustaceans and small schooling fish, which are trapped using the modified gill covers (branchial plates) responsible for its “devil-like” silhouette. It mostly eats euphausiid shrimp (Meganyctiphanes norvegica) and small mesopelagic and clupeid fishesSource


Now, you’re pretty familiar with every bit and whatnot about the blue, red, and even black devilfish. Their behaviors, growth, most preferred habitats, what they do after sighting a predator, and even how the bluefish changes color as well. 

If you’re ready for a rare one, be sure to revise this guide. So, you can understand what to do about keeping them in smaller or larger tanks.

If this guide on devil fish facts was helpful, kindly share it with your friends and family. Remember, sharing is caring. 

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