Can hamsters eat tomatoes?

Can hamsters eat tomatoes? Yes, a hamster can consume tomatoes quite comfortably, but make sure there are no tomato leaves because these are acids to our little hammy.

Also, it would be best if you rinsed the tomatoes to remove any pesticide on the outer part.

Almost half of a teaspoon is sufficient per serving every week.

eat tomatoes

What others treats can I give my hamster
What others treats can I give my hamster

Hamsters thrive on a wide variety of food. No doubt that Fruit and vegetables are, to some extent, a good and healthy choice that adds antioxidants and healthy fats to a diet.

Moreover, food like meat and cheese are important protein sources as well. Watching your hamster feast on its treats is sure to give you a warm and even a proud feeling!

Do you have doubts about feeding your hamster a particular food? Then, please don’t do it. In the same way, if your hamster ate something you’re not sure about, call your vet immediately.

Tomato Feeding Basics

As we all know, tomatoes are not considered poisonous for consumption; therefore, your pet hamster is unlikely to experience any negative side effects from being fed a very small
amount of ripe and red tomato; perhaps, occasionally.

Feeding your pet hamster green tomatoes or the leaves of a tomato plant is not safe for it, do not do that because it will cause your hamster sickness.

Feeding your pet hamster large amounts of red, ripe tomatoes are considered not safe, too — because of the amount of acid that a tomato contains.

Risks of Feeding Tomatoes

The acid that a tomato contains can upset your hamster’s stomach and cause it to suffer from diarrhea, easily resulting in dangerous dehydration.

Dehydration is one of the most common problems faced by pet hamsters and can be deadly if your hamster cannot rehydrate adequately.

A dehydrated hamster loses appetite, gets weak, or can be seen to have sunken eyes.

If your hamster is dehydrated, its skin will tent when you pinch it, unlike retracting back to its original position the way it does when healthy.

Safely Feeding Tomatoes

Safely Feeding Tomatoes
Safely Feeding Tomatoes

Your pet hamster needs only a teaspoon full of fresh fruits and vegetables daily.

A safe amount of tomato for your hamster should not go beyond half a teaspoon, and tomato should be an occasional treat rather than a regularly fed food in your hamster’s regular diet.

You may leave the Fruit out of its diet if your hamster does not like tomatoes or feeling reluctant to eat them because tomatoes do not offer any significant unique health benefits to your hamster.

3-Step System for Testing New Hamster Treats

Whenever I add new treats for my Hamster, Mr. Bubbles, there is always a 3-step system I follow to ensure it is good for its little stomach.

Read on:

How To Test New Hamster Treats

1. Ensure it is fresh, washed and doesn’t contain any pesticide. Purchase organic treats to carry out this first step.

2. Confirm if it is suitable for consumption for your pet hamster. You can get this second step done by giving your pet hamster a little test piece and waiting a couple of days to watch for any symptoms.

3. Add the treat into your hamster’s food at more regular intervals over the coming weeks.

Best Hamster Food

Apart from giving your hamster treats, giving it the right kind of hamster food is very important.

There is a lot of food out there with one of the following traits:

There is not enough protein in it. It becomes dusty.

Your hamster doesn’t like it and leaves a lot of food.

For the above reason, I have done the research and recommend the following three products that are none of the above and instead are the mainstream of a good hamster diet:

Check them out here:

Read also: Can hamsters eat strawberries?

Other feeding tips for your pet hamster:

1. Try as much as you can to provide fresh and clean water For your pet hamster day by day. To avoid water contamination, you should check the water bottle frequently for any dirt or leaks. It is also good to monitor its water intake because reducing water intake can cause you a visit to the vet.

2. Especially for fresh fruits, vegetables, and powdered food which tend to grow mould/bacteria, removing any remnants of feed to avoid getting rotten should be your utmost priority.

3. Do not feed your pet hamster on too many vegetables to avoid diarrhea. As long as sugary fruits and treats are concerned, overfeeding is similarly discouraged because studies have shown that it tends to cause obesity in your pet.

4. When you add a new species of feed to your pet hamster’s food, you should first give it a small amount and observe its behaviour for a week for any negative reaction to the food.

Afterwards, if you did not discover any negative reaction, then the feed is safe to feed your hamster with. Note that any sudden changes in the diet of your pet may cause stress.


Now, try it!

By now, you are well equipped to feed all kinds of healthy treats to your pet hamster.

Do you have any questions about any treatment that I have not covered in this vlog post?

Kindly leave a comment below – I will be around to answer it.

Thanks for reading!

Remember, sharing is caring.

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