380 Cute, Good, Best And Funny Guinea Pig Names

Guinea Pigs are adorable and lovable beings, one of the best companions to have around. They come in various forms and colors as well. If you have one already and you are having difficulties giving that beauty a suitable name, worry no more because I have listed over 300 guinea pig names to get ideas from. And if you are checking to know if you will get one, I advise you to do so, and I promise you will be glad you did. 

Cute Guinea Pig Names

Here is a list of some cute guinea pig names you could get inspiration from.

  1. Honey
  2. Vanilla 
  3. Choco
  4. Lizzy
  5. Ben
  6. Jenna 
  7. Caramel 
  8. Angel
  9. Molly
  10. Jolly
  11. Cloe
  12. Butter
  13. Echo
  14. Jellybean 
  15. Bunny
  16. Candy
  17. Lemon 
  18. Baby
  19. Sweetie
  20. Sugar
  21. Petal
  22. Peanut
  23. Sally 
  24. Queen
  25. Strawberry 

Male Guinea Pig Names

Funny Guinea Pig Names
Funny Guinea Pig Names

Here is a list of some male guinea pig names you could get inspiration from.

  1. Anber
  2. Ash
  3. Ashley
  4. Bill
  5. Ben
  6. Bruce
  7. Candy
  8. Carl
  9. Dan
  10. Davies
  11. Darlington 
  12. Danny
  13. Evans
  14. Edward 
  15. Eddie 
  16. Fred
  17. Francis 
  18. Frank
  19. Fergie 
  20. Gentle
  21. Gary
  22. Harry
  23. Harvey
  24. Hanks
  25. Ivan
  26. Indiana
  27. Jack
  28. Jones
  29. Jerry 
  30. James
  31. John
  32. Ken
  33. Kelvin
  34. Kyle
  35. Lee
  36. Lewis 
  37. Mike
  38. Michael 
  39. Mendy
  40. Nicholas 
  41. Nelson 
  42. Neville 
  43. Oscar 
  44. O’Neil 
  45. Obama 
  46. Prince
  47. Paul
  48. Peter
  49. Parker 
  50. Ryan 
  51. Randy
  52. Ross
  53. Stan
  54. Success
  55. Smith 
  56. Steve
  57. Tom 
  58. Terry
  59. Winner
  60. Zack

Female Guinea Pig Names

Here is a list of some female guinea pig names you could get inspiration from.

  1. Ann
  2. Angela 
  3. Angel
  4. Bella
  5. Becca
  6. Cindy 
  7. Cinderella 
  8. Candy
  9. Catherine 
  10. Cathy
  11. Daisy 
  12. Dora
  13. Eve
  14. Evelyn 
  15. Eva
  16. Frieda 
  17. Felicia 
  18. Faith
  19. Gail
  20. Gabriella 
  21. Honey
  22. Hilda
  23. Holly
  24. Ivy
  25. Jenny
  26. Jane
  27. Janet 
  28. Jessica 
  29. Kourtney 
  30. Kate 
  31. Katie
  32. Lana 
  33. Lizzy 
  34. Mercy
  35. Mary
  36. Molly 
  37. Oprah 
  38. Olivia 
  39. Princess
  40. Patricia 
  41. Patience
  42. Queen
  43. Ruby
  44. Silvia 
  45. Sandra 
  46. Sugar
  47. Tracie 
  48. Vanilla 
  49. Vanessa 
  50. Wendy
  51. Xena
  52. Yolanda 
  53. Zoe

Cool Guinea Pig Names

Here is a list of some cool guinea pig names you could get inspiration from.

  1. Austin 
  2. Ben
  3. Bella
  4. Brenda 
  5. Carlos
  6. Carl
  7. Charlie 
  8. Charles 
  9. Dan
  10. Davies 
  11. Darlington 
  12. Danny 
  13. Eloise 
  14. Evans
  15. Elizabeth 
  16. Felicia 
  17. Felix 
  18. Faith
  19. Goodness 
  20. Gail
  21. Grumpy 
  22. Howard 
  23. Honey
  24. Honda
  25. Harvey 
  26. Ian
  27. Ivan
  28. Jerry 
  29. Jackson 
  30. James 
  31. Jack
  32. Kate 
  33. Katie 
  34. Lee
  35. Lana 
  36. Lima 
  37. Mandy 
  38. Maria 
  39. Mary
  40. Molly
  41. Nina 
  42. Neo
  43. Nathan 
  44. Natalie 
  45. Patricia 
  46. Patrick 
  47. Percy 
  48. Rex 
  49. Randy
  50. Sally 
  51. Sandra
  52. Star
  53. Stan
  54. Tom 
  55. Vegas 
  56. Vanilla 
  57. Winnie 
  58. Winner

Best Guinea Pig Names

Here is a list of the best guinea pig names.

  1. Hattie 
  2. Cam
  3. Candy
  4. Gem
  5. Apple 
  6. Dame
  7. Flower 
  8. Flora
  9. Broccoli 
  10. Buster
  11. Grub
  12. Cuddles
  13. Faye
  14. Zoe
  15. Duchess 
  16. Axel
  17. Hugo
  18. Spot
  19. Max
  20. Iggy
  21. Winnie
  22. Juno
  23. Tottie
  24. Nicole 
  25. Nibbles 
  26. Vex
  27. Lotto
  28. Ron
  29. Kylo
  30. Trudi
  31. Lizzie
  32. Queenie
  33. Jammy
  34. Ozzy
  35. Indigo

White And Brown Guinea Pig Names 

Some species of guinea pigs are white and brown. If you have such and wonder what name would suit them, here are some name ideas.

  1. Coco
  2. Brownie 
  3. Cinnamon 
  4. Mocha
  5. Maple
  6. Honey
  7. Penny
  8. Hazel
  9. Nutmeg
  10. Teddy bear
  11. Bourbon 
  12. Timber
  13. Choco

White Girl Guinea Pig Names 

Here is a list of white girl guinea pig names you could get inspiration from.

  1. Snowy
  2. Iris
  3. Chalky
  4. Luna
  5. Snowpig
  6. Casper
  7. Jasmine 
  8. Blondie
  9. Pearl
  10. Moonshine 
  11. Blanco
  12. Calico
  13. Polar
  14. Crackers
  15. Crystal 
  16. Everest 
  17. Butter
  18. Dazzles
  19. Frosty
  20. Cotton
  21. Misty
  22. Brie
  23. Dove
  24. Winter
  25. Comet
  26.  Meringue
  27. Milkshake 
  28. Snowy 
  29. Snowball
  30. Snowflake 

Good Guinea Pig Names

Good Guinea Pig Names
Good Guinea Pig Names

Here is a list of some good guinea pig names you could get inspiration from.

  1. Angel
  2. Andy
  3. Annie 
  4. Bella
  5. Bestie
  6. Candy
  7. Carl 
  8. David 
  9. Davies
  10. Darlington 
  11. Emily 
  12. Emerald 
  13. Felicia 
  14. Faith
  15. Hazel 
  16. Honey 
  17. Harry 
  18. Jerry 
  19. Jake 
  20. Justin 
  21. June
  22. Kate 
  23. Katy 
  24. Kourtney 
  25. Lindsay 
  26. Lana 
  27. Louis 
  28. Mandy 
  29. Molly 
  30. Mendy
  31. Neo
  32. Nelly 
  33. Nelson 
  34. Neil
  35. Patricia 
  36. Pengy
  37. Pony 
  38. Rahmond
  39. Rex
  40. Sally 
  41. Sandra 
  42. Sweetie
  43. Vanilla 
  44. Vanessa 
  45. Winnie 
  46. Wendy

Funny Guinea Pig Names

Are you looking for some funny names for your pet guinea pig? Here are some funny guinea pig names.

  1. Peppa
  2. Chomp
  3. Jaws
  4. Goliath 
  5. Piggles
  6. Bacon
  7. Furball
  8. Hoover
  9. Lawn Mower
  10. Big Hamster
  11. Piggy
  12. Herby
  13. Guineavere
  14. Fat Tony
  15. New Guinea 
  16. Gin and Tonic
  17. Pig Foot
  18. Cavy Crocket
  19. Pipsqueak
  20. Gin and Juice

Unique Guinea Pig Names

Here is a list of unique guinea pig names you could get inspiration from.

  1. Artemis
  2. Autumn 
  3. Alvin 
  4. Bunny 
  5. Brooklyn 
  6. Bruce 
  7. Carl
  8. Carlos 
  9. Candy
  10. Fabian 
  11. Fendi
  12. Felix
  13. Hazel 
  14. Harry 
  15. Hera
  16. Hero
  17. Jane 
  18. Jerry 
  19. Kate 
  20. Louis 
  21. Leo
  22. Lewis 
  23. Lennon 
  24. Mojo 
  25. Melanie 
  26. Mandy
  27. Nancy 
  28. Natalie 
  29. Nathan 
  30. Ophelia
  31. Paty 
  32. Patricia 
  33. Patrick 
  34. Promise
  35. Rose
  36. Ricky 
  37. Sally 
  38. Wendy
  39. Winnie 
  40. Zeus 

Related Questions 

Do guinea pigs respond to names?

Yes! Guinea pigs can most definitely recognize and respond to their name when they are properly trained. Being consistent is needed with the training and in time they will come around.

Do guinea pigs like to watch TV?

Guinea pigs love to watch tv once they are used to the home, and they feel safe. They don’t usually do that on their own but will sit with their owners when they’re watching TV. … Watching TV with your guinea pigs provides you with an opportunity for a good bonding experience. Source (

Can guinea pigs fart?

But can guinea pigs also fart? Well, sadly, yes! This phenomenon is completely normal and natural, but did you know that too much gas can become dangerous? Even though their digestive system is broadly similar to ours, guinea pigs are unable to pass large quantities of gas through their intestines. Source (


Guinea Pigs are adorable and lovable beings; that’s why many people keep them as pets because they are such a wonderful companion to have. So if you plan on getting one tomorrow, with those guinea pig names ideas, you will find it much easier giving that lovely pet a proper name. 

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